
South African golfer Branden Grace makes history after scoring 62 at The Open Free UPDATED

South African Branden Grace made story at Royal Birkdale subsequently shooting the foremost ever 62 in over 157 years of Major's history.

The 29-year-old from Pretoria sealed his station in the annuals of sporting story with his 62.

In 1973, American Johnny Arthur Miller was the firstborn player to manage a score of 63 during the US Yawning at Oakmont, and that was regarded as one of the primo 18 holes ever played.

Panthera tigris Woods, Greg Geographical region, Vijay Singh, and Rory McIlroy complete most managed to get fewer than 63, but all at last failed.

The 29-year-old tweeted his pride at his achievement and thanked his sponsors and the fans who watched him relieve oneself history.

He wrote: "62 what a day, so special! Thanks for all the backing out there!@CallawayGolf @AudemarsPiguet @alfreddunhill @WheelsUp @SAPSports & Berenberg"

Congratulations to Branden Grace!

Arsenic commendable as Gracility's achievement was on Saturday, all the attention was really on leader Jordan Spieth!

Saturday adage the American on the verge of becoming the minute male participant ever to succeed three different Majors in front the age of 24. The first was American golfing legend Jack Nicklaus.


Tiger Wood never managed information technology, Lee Westwood and Rory McIlroy did non either, and quite frankly, the list goes on. That is the quality of linksman the American state is vying with.

146th Open Championship - Third Round

"I'm in a position where that experience can be very advantageous," Spieth told journalists at Crowned Birkdale.

"Everything I've gone through, the genuine, the bad, and everything midmost. I understand that leads can be squandered apace, and I also empathize how you can keep happening rolling on one.

"So it was a humbling experience that I thought at the time could dish up me well going forward."

It should be an interesting inalterable round that's sure as shootin.

So going into the final day, information technology has been Spieth and Grace that are the two name calling of The Open heretofore. One for leading the tournament, and nonpareil for smashing a golf track record.

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South African golfer Branden Grace makes history after scoring 62 at The Open Free UPDATED

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