
What Jose Mourinho said about Claudio Ranieri in 2008 Free UPDATED

Jose Mourinho sent a brilliant tribute to Claudio Ranieri connected Instagram after the Italian was fired at Leicester City.

"Champion of England and FIFA Manager of the Year. Pillaged," Mourinho wrote.

"That's the new football Claudio. Proceed smiling Amico. Nobody can delete the history you wrote."

It was class. We're yet to visualise any Leicester players erupt to acknowledge Ranieri's unbelievable accomplishment last season, but Mourinho was willing to do so.

And the Manchester United boss continued to point his confirm for Ranieri by effortful 'CR' on his shirt in his good afternoon news conference.

"Somebody that probably deserves the Leicester stadium to be renamed Claudio Ranieri and he's destroyed," Mourinho told reporters, via the Mirror.

"Leicester made history two years in a row, one year because they did the most beautiful thing in the Premier League and in football history.

"Nowadays they are likewise in the highlights with the decision which has everyone in football united because IT's problematical to accept but IT's operative for all of us to realise how football is.

"We need to adapt to it. When I was sacked as a champ I idea information technology was a giant minus thing, now I recognize IT was peanuts compared what happened to Claudio."


Mourinho's opinion of Ranieri in 2008

It's clear that Mourinho respects Ranieri, the man who made way for his arriver at Chelsea in 2004.

Still the Mourinho of 2008 had a very different vox populi of the 65-twelvemonth-secondhand.

Nine years ago, the Portuguese, then the handler of Inter Milan, said Ranieri couldn't speak English properly despite spending five years in the country, and as wel questioned his mentality.

"Ranieri? I infer he's right with what he said I am rattling demanding of myself and I have to win without doubt of things," Mourinho aforesaid, via the Telegraph. "This is wherefore I have South Korean won so many a trophies in my career.

"Ranieri on the other hand has the wi of someone who doesn't motive to win.

"Helium is almost 70 years old. He has won a Super Loving cup and another small trophy and he is too old to change his mentality. He's old and he hasn't won anything.

"I studied Italian five hours a twenty-four hours for many months to see I could communicate with the players, media and fans. Ranieri had been in England for five age and still struggled to allege 'good morning' and 'respectable afternoon.'"

Ranieri's achiever last season was enough for Mourinho to change his melodic line. To Ranieri's credit, thither wasn't a single person World Health Organization doubted him after he defied betting odds of 5,000/1.

Is Mourinho organism sincere away praising Ranieri's accomplishments? Let America have a go at it in the comments section below!

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What Jose Mourinho said about Claudio Ranieri in 2008 Free UPDATED

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